Use "biodiversity|biodiversities" in a sentence

1. Biodiversity synonyms, Biodiversity pronunciation, Biodiversity translation, English dictionary definition of Biodiversity

2. Biodiversity Day 2021 focuses on the post-2020 global Biodiversity framework, which will be adopted at the upcoming UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15)

3. What is Biodiversity? Biodiversity describes the richness and variety of life on earth

4. The Biodiversity Heritage Library improves research methodology by collaboratively making Biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global Biodiversity community

5. Biodiversity loss, also called loss of Biodiversity, a decrease in Biodiversity within a species, an ecosystem, a given geographic area, or Earth as a whole

6. Biodiversity and species richness

7. The more Biodiversity, the more resilience

8. ‘Biodiversity prospecting’, sometimes shortened to ‘Bioprospecting’, is the exploration of biodiversity for commercially valuable genetic resources and biochemicals

9. "Biodiversity" is a record of the highlights of the 1986 National Teleconference on Biodiversity

10. Biodiversity is commonly identified at three levels

11. Without Biodiversity, life would not sustain

12. Biodiversity O sets Programme (Bbop) to bring together

13. Biodiversity is an important global issue

14. * Support efforts to protect key biodiversity values

15. At the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, we include humans and human cultural diversity as a part of Biodiversity.

16. Tropical rainforests exhibit high levels of biodiversity.

17. The term Biodiversity was coined in 1985

18. Bioma is a specimen based Biodiversity database Manager

19. Standard on Biodiversity Offsets By Bbop View Publication

20. (2006) Restoring biodiversity to pine Afforestations in Israel

21. We also hear about the storehouse of biodiversity.

22. Biodiversity is important to humans for many reasons

23. Biodiversity is being destroyed in front of our very eyes

24. Feral parrots may affect native biodiversity, human economy and wellness.

25. Bioprospecting and biodiversity contracts - Volume 8 Issue 3

26. Biodiversity is the amazing variety of life on Earth

27. Great progress has been made in protection of biodiversity.

28. Biodiversity is also important in other, less obvious ways

29. The rich Biodiversity of our planet is under threat

30. Bbop defines biodiversity offsets as ‘measurable conservation outcomes of actions designed to compensate for significant residual adverse biodiversity impacts arising from project development after appropriate prevention and mitigation measures have been taken.The goal of biodiversity offsets is to achieve no net loss and preferably a net gain of biodiversity on the ground with respect to

31. This Standard on Biodiversity Offsets has been prepared by the Business and Biodiversity Offsets Programme (Bbop) to help auditors, developers, conservation groups, communities, governments and financial institutions that wish to assess biodiversity offsets against the Bbop Principles, Criteria and Indicators.

32. Conservation grazing is a tool used for conserving biodiversity.

33. Abstract: Species diversity is an important part of biodiversity.

34. The biodiversity and the threats from exotic, invasive species.

35. Biodiversity or biological diversity is the diversity of life

36. Key words: biodiversity, bioindicator, allelopathy, functional versatility, ecosystem function.

37. Abstract: Urban biodiversity is related to urban sustainable development.

38. Promote efforts in biodiversity and other positive environmental impacts.

39. There are a number of definitions and measures of Biodiversity

40. Protecting Bolivia’s biodiversity to help the planet fight climate change.

41. Ecological communities with higher biodiversity form more complex trophic paths.

42. 32. Enhance cooperation in biodiversity conservation and management, through exchange of knowledge and experience, conduct of joint research activities and capacity building programmes to address the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem degradation, including supporting the work of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB).

43. Adult Alligators are apex predators critical to the biodiversity of their habitat

44. Biopiracy alters the environment, which in turn causes Biodiversity depletion

45. Acknowledging that 2010 was declared the International Year of Biodiversity,

46. WILL mankind ever start protecting biodiversity instead of destroying it?

47. 2 Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit.

48. Flora of Scotland "The Scottish Biodiversity List - Species & Habitat Detail" BiodiversityScotland.

49. We keep our office almost like an archive of architectural biodiversity.

50. Biological diversity (or Biodiversity) is the variety of life on Earth

51. Biodiversity, the living fabric of this planet, is not a gas.

52. The Brahmaputra basin belongs to the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot, one of the 12 hotspots of mega biodiversity on Earth recognized by the World Conservation Union (IUCN)

53. When we talk about Biodiversity, we often talk about species richness as well

54. Rising temperatures will also affect agricultural yields, forests, and marine and coastal biodiversity.

55. Coevolution plays a key role in shaping the biodiversity on Earth

56. What accounts for so much biodiversity in such a small area?

57. This post-human biodiversity extends into the animal kingdom, as well.

58. That’s why an ecosystem that’s losing Biodiversity only declines slowly at first

59. 'An Alarmingly familiar picture': UK on course to miss most biodiversity targets

60. “The globe will not survive with all our biodiversity just in zoos.”

61. Biodiversity comes from two words Bio meaning life and diversity meaning variability

62. Bioindicators are commonly categorised into environmental, ecological and biodiversity indicators (McGeoch MA

63. Restoring biodiversity to pine Afforestations in Israel [An article from: Journal for Nature Conservation]

64. The geography of Belize is known for its extreme biodiversity and distinctive

65. Surrounded by a biological desert, Baldpate Mountain is a hotspot of biodiversity

66. However, this same soil is the foundation of biodiversity and our food.

67. The mining project threatens one of the world's richest areas of biodiversity.

68. Biodiversity also supplies indirect services to humans which are often taken for granted

69. Biodiversity definition, diversity among and within plant and animal species in an environment

70. "Invasive alien species pose a significant threat to Canada’s biodiversity, economy and society.

71. Researchers in the past had identified a link between language diversity and biodiversity.

72. Kuwait's marine and littoral ecosystems contain the bulk of the country's biodiversity heritage.

73. (Work digitized by Biodiversity Heritage Library at ) Descriptions of new American butterflies 1902.

74. The trends of monoculture forests leads to biodiversity loss and ecosystem service decrease.

75. Belize’s captivating blend of cultures, natural wonders and rich biodiversity promise a truly unique experience

76. They are part of the biodiversity of which we, as human bipeds, are also part.

77. Acidified lakes are not recovering, toxics are bio-accumulating, and biodiversity is reduced.

78. It is covered with primary rainforest that rivals the biodiversity of the Amazon.

79. Their commitment was only to maintain the extent of forests, not their biodiversity.

80. Both scientific and commercial biodiversity prospectors should pay fees, as mineral prospectors do.